

Update notification rules to update the notification message or change the schedule or conditions.(更新通知规则以更新通知消息或更改计划或条件。)

  1. In the navigation menu on the left, select Alerts > Alerts.(在左侧导航菜单中,选择**警报 > 警报**。)

  2. Select Notification Rules near to top of the page.(选择页面顶部的**通知规则**。)

Update the name or description for notification rules(更新通知规则的名称或描述)

On the Notification Rules page(在通知规则页面上)

  1. Hover over the name or description of a rule and click the pencil icon () to edit the field.(将鼠标悬停在规则的名称或描述上,然后单击铅笔图标 () 以编辑字段。)
  2. Click outside of the field to save your changes.(单击字段外部以保存更改。)

Enable or disable notification rules(启用或禁用通知规则)

On the notification rules page, click the toggle to enable or disable the notification rule.(在通知规则页面上,单击 开关以启用或禁用通知规则。)

Add a label to notification rules(向通知规则添加标签)

On the notification rules page(在通知规则页面上)

  1. Click Add a label next to the rule you want to add a label to. The Add Labels box opens.(单击要添加标签的规则旁边的** 添加标签**。“**添加标签**”框将打开。)
  2. To add an existing label, select the label from the list.(要添加现有标签,请从列表中选择该标签。)
  3. To create and add a new label(创建和添加新标签)
  • In the search field, enter the name of the new label. The Create Label box opens.(在搜索字段中,输入新标签的名称。“**创建标签**”框将打开。)
  • In the Description field, enter an optional description for the label.(在“**描述**”字段中,输入标签的可选描述。)
  • Select a color for the label.(为标签选择颜色。)
  • Click Create Label.(单击**创建标签**。)
  1. To remove a label, click on the label.(要删除标签,请单击标签上的 。)

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The future of Flux(Flux 的未来)

Flux is going into maintenance mode. You can continue using it as you currently are without any changes to your code.(Flux 即将进入维护模式。您可以继续按目前的方式使用它,而无需更改任何代码。)

Read more(阅读更多)

InfluxDB 3 Open Source Now in Public Alpha(InfluxDB 3 开源版本现已公开发布 Alpha 版)

InfluxDB 3 Open Source is now available for alpha testing, licensed under MIT or Apache 2 licensing.(InfluxDB 3 开源版本现已可用于 alpha 测试,根据 MIT 或 Apache 2 许可授权。)

We are releasing two products as part of the alpha.(我们正在发布两个产品作为 alpha 版的一部分。)

InfluxDB 3 Core, is our new open source product. It is a recent-data engine for time series and event data. InfluxDB 3 Enterprise is a commercial version that builds on Core’s foundation, adding historical query capability, read replicas, high availability, scalability, and fine-grained security.(InfluxDB 3 Core 是我们新的开源产品。它是用于时间序列和事件数据的最新数据引擎。InfluxDB 3 Enterprise 是一个商业版本,它建立在 Core 的基础上,增加了历史查询功能、读取副本、高可用性、可扩展性和细粒度的安全性。)

For more information on how to get started, check out(有关如何开始的更多信息,请查看)