
Rebuild the TSI index

This page documents an earlier version of InfluxDB OSS. InfluxDB OSS v2 is the latest stable version. See the equivalent InfluxDB v2 documentation: Rebuild the TSI index.

The InfluxDB Time Series Index (TSI) indexes or caches measurement and tag data to ensure queries are performant. In some cases, it may be necessary to flush and rebuild the TSI Index. Use the following steps to rebuild your InfluxDB TSI index:

1. Stop InfluxDB

Stop InfluxDB by stopping the influxd process.

2. Remove all _series directories

Remove all _series directories. By default, _series directories are stored at /data/<dbName>/_series, however you should check for and remove _series files throughout the /data directory.

3. Remove all index directories

Remove all index directories. By default, index directories are stored at /data/<dbName/<rpName>/<shardID>/index.

4. Rebuild the TSI index

Use the influx_inspect command line client (CLI) to rebuild the TSI index:

# Syntax
influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir <data_dir> -waldir <wal_dir>

# Example
influx_inspect buildtsi -datadir /data -waldir /wal

5. Restart InfluxDB

Restart InfluxDB by starting the influxd process.

Rebuild the TSI index in an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster

To rebuild the TSI index in an InfluxDB Enterprise cluster, perform the steps above on each data node in the cluster one after the other. After restarting the influxd process on a data node, allow the hinted handoff queue (HHQ) to write all missed data to the updated node before moving on to the next node.

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